de Robert Roura Riquelme
20 pàgines, tapa tova, blanc i negre sobre paper, 160×110 mm, grapat.
Edició numerada de 50 còpies
Desembre 2009
Segona edició de 50 còpies imprès a Medalariso / Máquina Total i Fatbottom Books.
Juliol 2014
by Robert Roura Riquelme
20 pages, soft cover, black and white on paper, 160×110 mm, stapled.
Numbered edition of 50 copies
December 2009
Second edition of 50 copies printed in Medalariso / Máquina Total and Fatbottom Books. In 20 pages, Robert Roura presents his impeccable illustration and shameless sci-fi-surrealism. So neat and yet so confusing that it is impossible no to go back and reread it a dozen times.
July 2014